Monday 14 December 2009
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Early summer rain--
houses facing the river,
two of them.

Yosa Buson, Early Summer Rain (Tr. by Robert Hass)

Evening wind:
water laps
the heron's legs.

Yosa Buson, Evening Wind (Tr. by Robert Hass)

Lighting one candle
with another candle--
spring evening.

Yosa Buson, Lighting one candle (Tr. by Robert Hass)

His Holiness the Abbot
is shitting
in the withered fields.

Yosa Buson, His Holiness the Abbot (Tr. by Robert Hass)

Note: The first 3 haiku have a peaceful aura to it. The last one though, dramatic. I guess it works both ways.


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