Monday, 4 April 2011
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She was a barren cage,
Of a shrewd ol’ master,
Who bought her a songbird,
And placed them together.
The master was fair to she,
But not just to he,
For she – a companion who sings,
For he – two stolen wings.

She broke his canorous heart,
But he so blissfully made hers,
With his hundred carols of joy,
And thousand ballads of tears.
Then as the days like the wind sweep by,
So does the Delphian years.

She knows he feels caged in,
She knows how the sky calls out,
She knows he feels at home,
Yet still is filled with doubt.
Ah, the cage and oh, the songbird,
When all is said and done,
Is it not painfully beautiful,
How the two became as one?

But if one day ol’ master should open the cage’s door,
And lay down the songbird his carpet of sky,
Would he stay at home, with home,
Or will he spread his wings and fly?
For the cage will be pleased to let go,
But wordlessly, secretly, the cage will solemnly cry.

The songbird then mournfully thought,
“His freedom or her bliss?”
Thus the cage soothed him so,
And it goes something like this:
“Fly, my precious songbird,
With memories that are ours to keep.
Fly, as what makes you smile,
Should not make me weep.”

So off flew the songbird,
And cried the cage did.
But a flame of hope was kindled,
For no ending farewell was bid..

by ~Fiachrette

Note: This is my number one, after Koch's One Train Hides Another.


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